Our History
In September of 1997, a pastor along with a group of like-faith believers began to gather for Bible studies and church services in a small-town home that would later be known as Fellowship Baptist Church. Over the next few years, attendance would grow to the point of having to rent out a larger facility — a store-front building located in the town of Culpeper, Virginia. Attendance continued to rise as well as the spiritual growth of the people of FBC, and God was certainly not finished with Fellowship Baptist Church.
Many chapters have been added to the story of FBC over the years, including a new church building and many new ministries. In August of 2006, FBC gladly voted in Pastor Dale Freeman to take the Senior Pastor position. Over the years, three Assistant Pastors would later be added to our ministerial staff, as well as many other important leaders to help with the organization of the ministries at FBC.
Our most recent goal met was a large piece of property purchased on Rt. 29 for a new auditorium and other ministry facilities to be built in the near future. We are excited for what God has in store in the coming years!
God has blessed us, and not only have we continued to grow numerically, but spiritually, and have witnessed many souls saved and lives changed for the cause of Christ.
While we don’t yet know what the future holds, one thing is certain: we will continue to proclaim the Gospel throughout Madison, Virginia, and the rest of the world. It is truly an exciting time to be at Fellowship Baptist Church, and we hope you’ll join us as we continue our story.

photo by Katie Jacobs Photography
Our goal is to be a thriving church and shining light for Jesus Christ and to reach the souls in Madison and the surrounding counties. Our church facilities are located about half a mile off of Route 29, just north of the town of Madison on Route 680 – Gate Road.
Every independent Baptist church is an autonomous congregation. We are self-governing and self-supporting. The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. The King James Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. It is our desire to truly be a New Testament church.